86 STALIN'S LADDER Kaganovich, member of the all powerful Polltbureau and next to Joseph Stalin and Premier Molotov the most powerful man in the Communist party of Russia. "To our enemies at home and abroad," M. Kaga- novich said, "we wish to state that our army Is growing and becoming stronger day by day. It consists of the working class, of the collectivized farm laborers, of the poor peasants. Our organized forces include 11,000,000 members of trade unions, 9,000,000 members of volun- tary defence organizations, more than 1,000,000 dele- gates to the Soviets, 5,000,000 members of the League of Communist Youth and 4,000,000 pioneers. The leaders of this army are 2,000,000 members of the Communist party, the best organized proletarian party in the world." The "5,000,000 members of the League of Com- munist Youth" which Kaganovich mentions In passing are in their own right a portentous military factor. The members of this organization range In age from sixteen to twenty-three. Their training so nearly ap- proximates that of the regular soldier that they are usually spoken of as the Soviet's "Junior Army."